Ebony Directory is made up of a very small team of about 5 people. We have 1 website administrator and about 5 independent Ebony Directory agents.

Photo by:nappy.co

Ebony Directory is made up of a small team of 5 people.

We have 1 website administrator and 4 independent Ebony Directory agents.

As you can imagine the website administrator looks after every aspect of the website, including verifying new accounts and listings.

The EBD agents are tasked with finding new clients to appear on the website and then the agents provide ongoing customer support to those clients.

The main reasons the team was brought together, was because:

  1. The obvious need to provide an easy to use facility that the black community can use to engage in commerce among ourselves. This need is growing because of how we are being treated within society.
  2. Each of the team members has a passion to see the black community thrive economically.
    We also recognise that talking about improving our economy, going on marches about our economy are not as effective as each of us actively participating in the growth of our economy. It’s a relatively straightforward task. Buy from each other, and sell to everybody!

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